1). Full Name, Department you work for, How long at Department, Number of officers, official title. Vern R. Wittenberg, Chief Deputy for Clearwater County Sheriff’s Office, 6+ years at this Agency
2). Who is in the evidence department with you?
Just Me
2). What is your involvement with MAPET?
So far, I just joined.
3). What are some of your favorite evidence technician/property room manager tasks?
I am just getting going with revamping the intake system and labeling system. I don’t really have a favorite thing yet.
4). What is the most unique/weird item currently in your Property room?
A victim’s bicycle from a hit and run from the early 1980’s that was likely committed by the then Sheriff’s son.
5). What is currently your biggest challenge?
The amount of property in the room that needs to be gone through.
6). Recent victory in your property room?
Barcode / Labeling system up and running
7). What advice would you give to new techs in the field?
Go to an evidence tech training, otherwise none at this time, I’m not very familiar with it myself.